Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Old Testament & Restoration Exodus

There are many parallels found between the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt in the Old Testament and the Exodus of the Saints to Utah in modern church history. The saints received "The Law" in Kirtland, which contained many laws similar to those found in the 10 commandments of Moses. This then suggests a very interesting parallel. The children of Israel left Egypt (the world, the land of their enemies and captivity) and were lead by Moses into the wilderness. Likewise, the Saints fled persecution in the East, especially New York, and gathered in Ohio. When Moses reached Sinai, the Lord met him on top of the mountain in a tempest of fire, and gave Moses the law. The Saints in Kirtland built a temple—a mountain of the Lord—and the Lord appeared therein, again with fire and whirlwind. The Lord then gave the law to his modern servants.
To continue further with this analogy, the Saints were able to go to Zion early on in Church history, but because of their wickedness they were driven out. Joseph Smith, their original leader, was eventually martyred, so he was no longer leading them and Brigham Young did instead. Likewise, Moses grew old and was eventually translated, so Joshua began to lead the Israelites. Brigham Young eventually lead the modern Saints through the wilderness into their promised land in the Great Basin, and likewise Joshua lead the Israelites into the promised land after their time of trial in the wilderness.
There is even a geographic corollary between these two lands. Utah and the Holy Land are the only two places on earth where there is a dead (salty) body of water which is fed by a living (fresh) body of water. The Great Salt Lake is then a parallel of the Dead Sea. The regions are even both mountainous! There are so many correlations between the Old Testament and modern church history, it's no wonder that the Saints looked upon themselves as the children of Israel!

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